About Microns

We are marketplace exclusively featuring profitable bootstrapped startups.
Successful startup deals
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Our Mission

Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs and investors by providing a curated marketplace where they can buy and sell startups.
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Vetted members
We verify buyers and sellers before they can interact with each other
Useful tools
With our real-time chat and transfer service, closing deals becomes a breeze
Post-Sale Guarantee
We ensure a month of support from our sellers to set your project up for success
Of accepted startups were sold
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Hall of Fame

Here are some of the projects sold on Microns

Our Core Values

Customer obsession
We are obsessed with our customers, empowering them to thrive and make a lasting impact by prioritizing their needs.
Invent and simplify
We innovate and simplify to ensure our customers streamline operations and effortlessly achieve their goals.
Insist highest standards
We insist on the highest standards, delivering exceptional quality and performance to surpass expectations.
Optimistic mindset
We value an optimistic mindset as it fuels our team's creativity, resilience, and ability to overcome challenges.

Our Team

The magic at Microns is crafted by our incredible team

Ilya Novohatskyi, Founder

Hey there, I'm Ilya, a born-and-raised entrepreneur from Kyiv, Ukraine. Back in the day, I was just a kid who loved playing games and tinkering with computers. When the internet finally made its way into our home, I was hooked! I spent hours surfing the web, soaking up as much knowledge as I could about software and technology.

Fast forward to my university years at Kyiv Polytechnic University, where I pursued my passion for software engineering. It was a challenging journey, but after six years of hard work, I proudly earned my Master's degree.

Along the way, I dipped my toes into the world of front-end development, working for various companies, big and small. I became a pro at working remotely, but deep down, I always knew I wanted to build something of my own.

Then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and like many others, I found myself out of a job. But instead of wallowing in self-pity, I saw it as a sign to finally pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. I reached out to a friend who shared my vision, and together, we founded Quanti Coders, a web development agency.

After a couple of years of building and refining our agency, I felt the urge to take on a new challenge. I became fascinated by the world of startups, diving headfirst into resources like Indie Hackers and Product Hunt. That's when it hit me – there was a gap in the market for a platform where founders could trade their small projects seamlessly.

And just like that, the idea for Microns was born. I poured my heart and soul into building a platform that would empower entrepreneurs worldwide. Today, I'm still on that journey, constantly striving to improve Microns and make a positive impact on the lives of countless aspiring founders around the globe.
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