Freelance Business Notion Template
Info product
System for freelancers to manage their work
Published on
December 8, 2023

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Info product with $100 Annual Revenue and 3 customers. The target audience is Freelancers. Notion Template for freelancers to manage their projects, clients, finances and more. Made $100 with almost no marketing. Around 1.57 billion people around the globe are self-employed. Many of them do not have a clear structure when it comes to organizing their business. They either have no structure at all or they spend hours each week trying to create some sort of structure which they will abandon next week and start from 0 again. My project makes it easy by turning the productivity app Notion into an all-in-one management system. You can easily add clients to your pipeline, collaborate with them in the portal, manage your financial expenses, plan your social media content, and keep track of books, articles, and more. The product includes the following sections: Quick Links and Navigation, Global Inbox, Client Overview, Sharable Client Portal, Portfolio, Social Media, Testamonials, Working hubs, Finance Tracker, Social Media planner, Goal Tracker, Client Management Dashboard, Notes & Resources tracker, Book Tracker. Apart from a few posts on Reddit and 1-2 posts on X, there was no marketing at all. Nevertheless, the template made $100 from 3 customers.<br> ✅ $100 in Annual Revenue<br>✅ 3 customers<br>✅ Business model: One-time fee<br>✅ Built with Next.js, TailwindCSS<br>
Annual Revenue
Number of Customers
$20 for domain.
Business Model
One-time fee.
Target Audience
Asking Price Reasoning
Booming industry, huge market.
Reason for Selling
I want to focus on my other businesses.
Growth Opportunity
Making content about freelancing on social media, e.g. X (aka Twitter ) and Instagram + connecting with freelancers.
30 days free support from seller
NotionFreelance by Easlo.
Tech Stack
Next.js, TailwindCSS.