Templates For Notion

Main Metrics
Main Metrics
I'm a Notion certified consultant, and I've been creating & selling Notion templates on the side for 2+ years now. I have 26 Notion templates, including:
- 12 free templates
- 14 paid templates
- 6 bundles
- products (Notion templates)
- Notion workspace
- website + content
- newsletter + email list
- automations
- social media (TikTok, Youtube, IG, Facebook page)
- all the other accounts related to the biz
✅ $22,635 in Annual Revenue
✅ 500 customers
✅ Business model: One-time sales
✅ Built with Webflow, Make, Notion
Annual Revenue
Total = $2,101.51 \/ year or $175 \/ month (+ 10% Gumroad Fee for template sales)
- Webflow (website): $276.00 \/ year
- Webflow Localization: $108.00 \/ year
- Make (automations): $192.00 \/ year
- EmbedNotion (embed Notion templates on website): $12.99 \/ month ($155.88 \/ year)
- Namecheap (domain): $10.28 \/ year
- Google Workspace (email): \u20ac138.01 \/ year (~ $150 \/ year)
- Senja (testimonials): $210.35 \/ year
Business Model
Main source of rev is selling the Notion templates. Template prices varies between 19 and 295$. I also sell bundles (personal bundle, freelance bundle, startup bundle, etc.). The other way I make money is via sponsored segments on my newsletter/blog.
Target Audience
Anyone interested in getting more productive & organized.
Asking Price Reasoning
I'm asking for a 4.6 multiple bcs it's growing really quickly thanks to all my recent efforts (150 new leads a day, now available to the French market, automated blog posts for SEO, best products out there thanks to my exp as a Notion consultant).
Reason for Selling
I selling because it's been 2+ years working on this and I have other business ideas I'd like to explore.